Rtmp Load Testing Tool

What is it?

StreamTest's Load Testing service is 'not your grandaddy's' load testing service. It is not the standard generic web 'objects' or html based server load testing service.

More information: Testing RTMP streaming server – Stress testing using flazr If you want to use JMeter you can go for the same flazr library, but you will have to add flazr.jar to JMeter Classpath with all the dependencies ( jcl104-over-slf4j-1.4.2.jar, netty-3.2.7.Final.jar, etc) and write the custom code to load test your RTMP server using. Oct 12, 2020 RTMP is a live streaming protocol that transmits video files from the encoder to an OVP. Most encoders use the format RTMP. RTMP stands for Real-Time Messaging Protocol. RTMP streaming is a delivery method designed for live-streaming. It’s not a codec, but RTMP commonly uses the H.264 codec. Looking for a video streaming solution with fully managed deployments, extensive features, and extensive 24/7 support? Learn more about Red5 Pro's comprehensive enterprise plan. Neotys’ RTMP support allows you to: Record the RTMP traffic to be played back. Extract/replace RTMP data during the test in order to variabilize the calls (the data is presented in XML format in the scenario). Handle the Push data sent. Flash RTMP Load Test Tool Wowza Media Server provides a Flash RTMP load testing tool. This tool can be used to generate RTMP load on a single Wowza server to test configuration and performance. The Load Test Tool requires a subscription or perpetual license.

The service provides the online broadcaster, the ability to simulate massive streaming audiences on their distribution network in seconds. Without complicated user clients, server applications or expensive set up procedures. Using the latest in cloud and streaming technologies StreamTest.net is able to do load tests big and small, simulating audiences from an individual user to millions of users. Equally important, Streamtest's load testing service also samples and measures the stream under load to determine the quality of experience. After the load test has been completed every user experience that connected can be reviewed for problems if they score low on the test.

How does it work?

Streamtest.net's has custom designed and built a highly powerful, streaming specific Content Delivery Network (CDN) distribution network load testing service. This service uses StreamTest's customized virtual streaming users (VSU's). Through Streamtest.net service portal the online broadcaster selects a couple test options which activates the VSU's to simultaneously connect to the CDN distributed stream. This instant connection creates the load test. However the VSU's also sample and measure the streaming channel. Which are then collated to render results that can be viewed on the Streamtest Monitoring Dashboard. All in real time. Plus each VSU connection and measurement can be drill down into a detailed, active, real time, running graph of the streaming channel under test and after. The data results obtained by the VSU's are displayed in a simple, easy to read and understand format.


  1. Streaming specific - not your grandaddy's load test. Streaming specific, built by streaming tech's for streaming techs
  2. Huge user scale user simulations 1,000,000+
  3. Anywhere in the world Load Test where your audience is (see geo locations)
  4. More than just a load test. Get all the other important streaming test measurements you need and want to provide the best streaming service possible.
  5. Scheduling option - test when you want not when you have to
  6. Test as many times as you want
  7. Easy to read graphical performance report 4 Easy to share performance report - test published to unique URL - easy to share. Better than large excel
  8. Get StreamTest Certified - receive a load test certificate confirming test results so you can prove and share that your set up is ready for your audience
  9. Compatible with almost every streaming format (see below)


  1. Real Time Test Monitoring (see video – coming soon)
  2. API access to launch tests and receive test result data (see API docs here)
  3. Generates thumbnails from each simulated stream
  4. Each test user has a unique identity that you can follow from our result data through your own log files.
  5. Drill down performance metrics for each simulated user
  6. User data geographically present
  7. Client data collection
  8. Scheduled load test
  9. Easy to read graphical performance report
  10. Aggregate and individual metrics for latency, throughput, bytes received
  11. Waypoint data taken at 10 second intervals


Our StreamTest simulated client is compatible with many different stream types, both live and on-demand. Below we’ve listed the known compatible/ supported stream types and formats.

Media Formats:
.mp3, .m4v, .mov, .wmv, .wma, .ra, .rmv, .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .m4a, m3u, .3gp, .flv, .m1v, .avi, .mpg, .mp4, .ogg, .m2v, .mpeg, .mp2, .m3u8, .f4m

Wowza Media Server, Adobe Flash Media, Evostream Media Server, NGINX-RTMP, IIS, apache…

Stream Providers:
Akamai, limelight, CloudFront, Azure BLOB, Amazon s3, (most standard http delivery services should work)

Delivery Types:
Live, On-Demand, Cached, HLS (HTTP Live Streaming), Progressive, FTRT (Faster than real-time)

Delivery Protocols:

Maximum Bit-rates:
tested between 10k and 10mbps

Maximum Resolution:
tested between 128X128 and full 1080p at 1920X1080


What are the load test supported formats?

StreamTest load testing supports RTMP. For further details, see our full FAQ.

What do I need to start my load test?

To start a LoadTest you will need to provide a compatible streaming link, the number of test users required, the bitrate of your stream, and the locations to test from. For more information, see the full FAQ.

Will the load testing service work on secure streams?

LoadTest can be used with streams that are secured with a Token. See the Full FAQ for further detail.
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If you’re having problems with your computer and it isn’t behaving correctly in certain situations, then it could be a cause for concern. One of these situations could be when you are performing resource intensive tasks and the system becomes unstable or crashes while being put under stress. This could be a problem such as the CPU overheating and shutting itself down, or even the graphics card running into similar trouble. Or maybe the power supply simply cannot cope anymore with all hardware components running at full intensity…

Whether you’re someone who wants to test their PC components because they suspect a possible fault, or have bought / built your own PC and want to make sure it runs stably and reliably at maximum load, you need a program to be able to put the system under the desired levels of stress for periods of time to monitor the situation. Here are 10 tools (9 of them free) to do just that and put your system under huge amounts of stress to check for faults or problems.

1. HeavyLoad

HeavyLoad is a utility that aims to stress the main component areas of a PC, namely processor, memory, hard drive and graphics. It can also run these tests individually or altogether which is obviously the time maximum stress will be placed of the system hardware and also the power supply. The Disk space and Free memory tests are not really there to put undue stress on those components, but rather continually writes a large file to the drive and allocates / deallocates memory to the system simulating heavy load when all major components are utilized.

There is an option though to add more stress to the hard drive by using Jam software’s other popular included tool Treesize Free to simulate more heavy disc access. HeavyLoad is available as portable and installer versions and is a very useful overall system stability tester to keep in the USB toolkit. Works on Windows XP to Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit.

Download HeavyLoad

2. FurMark

Furmark is a stability and stress testing tool designed especially for graphics cards and runs a very intensive “Fur” rendering algorithm which is very good at pushing the GPU to its absolute limits. There are a few settings that can be changed such as resolution, full screen mode and anti aliasing, and a few presets are available such as running in the HD resolutions of 720 / 1080, or running a burn-in test for 15 minutes. The benchmark’s default run time and an alarm for the maximum allowable temperature for the graphics card is found via the Settings window.

Benchmark scores can be compared or viewed online. FurMark is compatible with Windows XP and above.

Download FurMark

3. StressMyPC

Rtmp load testing tool boxes

This is a simple, tiny and portable utility of around 20KB that can run a stability test on your single, multi core or multi threaded processor. In addition it can also perform a couple of other tests such as a simple GPU graphics test and also one for the hard drive. The “Paint-Stress” GPU test is enabled by default and the “HD-test” and a more aggressive CPU test which will push your processor towards 100% (the standard test used about 60% of a dual core CPU during testing) can be enabled by the buttons at the top of the window. StressMyPC works on all versions of Windows 2000 and above, including 64-bit.

Download StressMyPC

4. System Stability Tester

System Stability Tester works by simply using the well known and famous method of telling the computer to calculate the value of Pi up to 128 million digits. This will completely consume your processor for as long as the test runs and can also be used as a basic benchmarking tool to see how long it takes your CPU to calculate the specified number of digits. The range can be between 128 thousand up to 128 million and can be run continuously up to 50 times using up to 32 threads. There are 2 methods to choose from, Borwein and Gauss-Legendre which is also used by the classic SuperPi tool.

Works on Windows XP and above, portable and installer versions are available.

Download System Stability Tester

5. IntelBurnTest

Despite the name, IntelBurnTest actually works fine for testing on AMD processors as well, and is called as such because it makes use of the Intel Linpack libraries which Intel themselves use to stress test CPU’s. Usage is easy and all you have to do is set the number of times to run the test, the number of threads to use and the test stress level. This can be Standard, High, Very High or Maximum and if your available RAM is less than what the test requires, choose Custom and set the amount of memory to use accordingly.

The program is portable and runs on Windows XP and above.

Rtmp streaming software

Download IntelBurnTest

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Todd3 years ago

A nice collection of stress tests, but I am currently searching for DOS-based software. Will keep looking, but perhaps you could add something in this vein the next time you update the article?


BurninTest software is good for testing, but unfortunately it’s not free

jayaram4 years ago

any commandline tools, i need them in my automation


3d mark is good for higher end graphics cards

Miler5 years ago

Aida64 is also good program. It is almost head-to-head with BurnIn Test made by PassMark


I generally run Orthos and MemTest. For the hard disk, when I get a new one, I copy tons of files big and small to it and then try using these files. Last drive showed problems immediately after this.

I also always do a Nero Recode and x264 encodes since these are heavy CPU programs.

Merlin Magii12 years ago

Useful tool and have noted contributors very helpful warnings.


Looks like a decent benchmarking software. Thanks Ray!

John12 years ago

My suggestion regarding this type of program:
Run it well BEFORE your warranty expires. Make sure you didn’t get a system with faulty components. Don’t experiment on an older system (with gigs of files & programs at risk). If something is “marginal”, these programs WILL find them – often destructively!


Second this – it is actually possible for stress testing software to fry your PC. E.g. normal use of a video card will not come close to the temperature and power consumption of running a 100% stress test like FurMark, and this could cause an otherwise working component to fail. It does mean the component is running out of spec, so it could even be recommended to run this just before your warranty expires, but not after.

Brian1 year ago

An example of how testing software can be destructive if it does not change or write anything new or over existing files, code or registry? If a tool writes its own fix without showing you changes before they happen then don’t use it.

Rtmp Load Testing Tool Comparison Chart


Thanks again for a useful tool Raymond

Ammar12 years ago

Rtmp Load Testing Tool Home Depot

Thank you Raymond.

Nice tool.


A very good and large hardware store here uses Everest for stability testing

DT12 years ago

Thanks for the info Raymond!


Rtmp Load Testing Tool Windows 10

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